HVAC Warranty Direct Line: (833) 767-3777 HVAC Warranty New Warranty RequestPlease complete all required fields so we can better serve you.HVAC Unit Manufacturer- Please Select Manufacturer -AddisonPanasonicOtherJob NameUnit Model #Unit Serial #Nameplate Photo UploadChoose File Unit Start-Up Form UploadChoose File Do you need a Labor Allowance Request Form? Yes NoLabor Form & Warranty PolicyIn order for your warranty request to be processed, it is mandatory that all items marked with an asterik (*) be provided so our team can better assist you. Please see the attached Whole Foods specific warranty policy for further details.Warranty PolicyLABOR ALLOWANCE REQUEST FORM ADDISON’S WARRANTY COVERS PARTS ONLY, IT DOES NOT COVER LABOR. THIS FORM IS PROVIDED AS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION FOR AN EXCEPTION LABOR ALLOWANCE AND MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN THE FIRST 30 DAYS OF EQUIPMENT STARTUP. A COPY OF THE TECHNICIANS SERVICE REPORT, CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PICTURES, MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE REQUEST. AS WELL AS THE TECHNICIAN’S FINAL SERVICE REPORT INCLUDING A BREAKDOWN OF LABOR HOURS AND MATERIALS NEEDED. NOTE THAT ALL REQUESTS MUST BE APPROVED PRIOR TO PERFORMING WORK ON THE ADDISON UNIT AND MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ADDISON’S APPROVAL DATE. ALL FIELDS MARKED WITH AN ASTERIK (*) MUST BE COMPLETED IN ORDER FOR LABOR REQUEST TO BE CONSIDERED. Customer InfoPlease complete all required fields so we can better serve you.Company NameCompany AddressAddress Line 1#Apt., #Ste., #Bldg.CityZip CodeContact NameContact EmailOffice/MobileFailure OverviewPlease complete all required fields so we can better serve you. Unit Serial Number(s): Serial Number Serial Number Serial Number Startup DateWhen Did Failure Occur?Description of FailureFile Upload(s)Choose File(s) Insert Estimate For Repair HerePlease complete all required fields so we can better serve you.File Upload(s)Choose File(s) Please provide photos herePlease complete all required fields so we can better serve you.Image UploadChoose File Replacement Part Order InformationPlease complete all required fields so we can better serve you.How many techs are needed for repair? If replacement parts are needed, provide a list of items. Click + to add more. Item Needed Item Needed Item Needed Labor$Hourly Rate$Material$Technician NameTechnician EmailTechnician Phone/MobileDigital SignatureToday's DatePart DescriptionMessage / Comments / Extra NotesContact InfoPlease complete all required fields so we can better serve you.First NameLast NameAddressAddress Line 1#Apt., #Ste., #Bldg.CityZip CodeEmailPhone/MobileSubmit Warranty Request